NEO Sports Plant Coed Doubles Tournament


April 15-16


Chris Chmielewski
(440) 344-3638


N.E.O. Sports Plant
20001 Euclid Ave, Euclid, OH 44117


Tournament Info

2 Day Double Elimination Tournament

6 Indoor Courts


Open Bocce Rules with Back Wall LIVE
(Balls that hit the back wall are still in play regardless of if the ball touches another ball)

One throw of the paulino, if not successful other team throws the paulino but scoring team gets first roll (Palino must be 1 foot off the wall)

Measure any ball anytime

Coin Flip get paulina and color

All games to 13

Either or both of the players can go down to look at a layout
(keep conferences to a minimum time)

If there needs to be a measurement by outside person please seek out Chris Chmielewski, Mike Hilvers, Steve Infante (Bubba) or James Slevaggio. Any of the calls that these four make will be final.